Online Learning
Our ensemble and jazz harmony learning program is all about helping our members grow and develop their skills in a fun and relaxed way. We've got lots of online resources that they can use to develop at their own pace.
Ensemble Resources
With their free Newzik account, every member can easily access their sheet music online from the comfort of their own home. This allows them to become familiar with the arrangement and prepare for their next session. Additionally, each score comes with a specially recorded backing track for them to play along to, making practice sessions even more enjoyable. Check out this video to hear one of the backing tracks.
Jazz Harmony Resources
Our online resources via Newzik provide a wealth of information to help our members master the art of jazz harmony. With fun backing tracks and expert guidance, you'll be able to reinforce your learning gained in our Jazz Harmony and Improvisation sessions and take your skills to the next level. The video is an example of how members can develop their understanding of chord tones that they can use in their improvised solos.
Building Instrumental Technique
For wind instrumentalists, particularly brass players, developing technique and embouchure strength through drills and exercises is essential. However, we understand that type of practice can become a bit monotonous. That's why we offer a selection of enjoyable tracks to play along with as you enhance your skills and endurance.
Here's a long note workout based on 'Morning Dance' by Spirogyra as an example.